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It can get tedious constantly changing a factory default BIOS setting so that it aligns with your application. Work with Rugged Science to make your change the factory default.

Rugged Science BIOS Services

Just contact your friendly sales engineer to list your desired changes from factory defaults, and in most cases, Rugged Science can develop a custom BIOS for your order, including a splash screen. Additionally, system serial numbers can optionally be recorded in BIOS during production. Your BIOS variant becomes part of our ERP bill of materials, and will be tracked for production until changes are made by you. Each revision will become part of our ERP production record.

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BIOS Modification
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Whether you’re running Windows or Linux or anything in between, Rugged Science can support you’re custom OS imaging needs so that you are up and running straight out of the box.

Rugged Science Image Management Services

The image capture process is simple and straightforward. Setup your image on a Rugged Science product, send it to us, and we will capture and store your image as a line item in our production ERP system. Any future changes would be revision controlled as a separate line item in the bill of materials. Pretty convenient for you, and very organized for Rugged Science. Changes are simple. Contact your sales engineer, provide the new image, and we can increment the current image to the new one for future production orders.

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Computer OS Image Management
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+1 (443) 595-8384


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Rugged Science Sales


We love in-person visits! Our design and manufacturing facilities are located at:
60 Loveton Circle, Sparks, MD

Rugged Science is appraised at CMMI Maturity Level 3 and is an AS9100D Certified Company.