AGV Robot pulling cargo

AGV Robotics

Rugged Science industrial computers for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are easy to integrate into the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and enable automation in logistics which increases productivity and profitability for your organization. Our rugged and compact, fanless embedded industrial computers are equipped with Intel Core® dual-core processors and provide rich IO interfaces.

When designing your next AGV, let a Rugged Science high-performance embedded industrial computer map the thousands of positions, track order numbers, individual products, and pallets, while transmitting information back to the central control room for collection and monitoring. Our systems are designed for these intensive processing tasks, with rich interfaces to connect to cameras, motors, and wireless networks. Our compact, low-energy consumption embedded computers minimize weight and footprint, while maximizing battery life and, in turn, the time between charges, keeping the AGV productive.


Featured AGV COMPUTER Products



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Rugged Science is appraised at CMMI Maturity Level 3 and is an AS9100D Certified Company.